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Pio Pico Virtual Camporee 2020

Calling ALL Scouts!

Pio Pico Virtual Camporee 2020

The idea: Every Scout will be able to participate in Scout themed activities while practicing Social Distancing. Inspired by the Northumberland Scouts goal to break the World Record for Virtual Camping.

#campathome #VirtualCampers

The Challenge: Virtual Camporee will be a month long from April 1st to April 30th. Every week the scout will participate in a challenge. They will need to upload a photo or video before the end of each week, midnight on Saturday’s.

Weekly Ideas:

  1. Build an Indoor Fort/Tent to sleep in
  2. Cooking, Use no more than 5 items to create a survival snack
  3. Skit, Song or Meme. Scout appropriate and related to Virtual Camping
  4. Build your own PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), like a mask to prevent the spread of germs
  5. Hike in your neighborhood
  6. Repair something in your home
  7. Participate in a Family Game Night
  8. Send a Thank you note/s to a First Responder, Hospital worker or your local Grocer
  9. Participate in the World Record Challenge with the Northumberland Scouts Virtual Camping #CampatHome on April 30, 2020

Youth participants need to participate in at least 5 of the events (documented on Facebook) to earn a patch.

Pio Pico Camporee Facebook Page:

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