Pio Pico District Roundtable January 17, 2024 (NEW LOCATIONS in 2024)
Pio Pico District Roundtable Meetings are coming to your city in 2024! Don’t miss out on NEW training topics and locations.
Bring your unit leaders and parents to learn what our district is all about.
We will be rotating where we host our Pio Pico District Roundtable between these three cities throughout the year: Downey, Cerritos, and Whittier. The dates for which each location will host Roundtable is in the attached calendar.
Our January Roundtable will be this upcoming Wednesday, January 17, 2023 at 7pm and it will be held in Downey, CA at Apollo Park. The address is 12544 Rives Ave, Downey, CA 90242. The meeting will be held in an activity room next to the gymnasium (see picture below with red arrow pointing to the entrance).
To reach the building from the parking lot: Walk to the south end of the parking lot along Rives Ave, turn left, and then enter through the double doors at the right side of the building (red arrow below). Alternate entrance if that is unavailable would be through the gymnasium main entrance (yellow arrow) and then enter into the room on the right.

This will be an in person only meeting, no Zoom. We look forward to you coming and connecting with other Scouters in our district!
As shown in the attached calendar February Roundtable will be in Cerritos (location instructions to be sent in an upcoming email) and our March Roundtable will be in Whittier. We will then keep rotating amongst these locations throughout the year (skipping the month we are dark in July). We look forward to you supporting the scouting communities in each of these areas by attending each of these Roundtables.
Also attached is our 2024 Roundtable topics and breakouts plan. The topics are subject to change and when they do we will notify you via email, newsletter, and website.
We look forward to seeing you all there! Please share the news with others in your unit!